This Year, Experience Summer In Cincinnati


School is almost out for the summer and friends are discussing plans for vacation, but what if everything necessary for a great summer is waiting right outside the front door?

Whether in an effort to save money or natural resources (by skipping the driving or flying), more people today are opting for enjoying their time off with staycations—vacations in or near their hometown. Here in Cincinnati, summer is the perfect time to take in the local fun that is often overlooked for more distant or exotic destinations.

Summer festivals abound in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky and are a great way to get a taste of true Cincinnati culture. For starters, consider attending Covington’s Maifest (May 19-21), Cincinnati’s May Festival (May 19-27), or the Ohio River Paddlefest (August 6). Music lovers should check out Bunbury Music Festival (June 2-4) for an international lineup and Northside’s Rock ‘N Roll Carnival (July 3-4) for local favorites.

For outdoor adventurers, there are plenty of recreational opportunities both within the city limits and within a quick few hours’ drive. Those hungry to get out of the city and outdoors can rent a cabin in the nearby Red River Gorge or Hocking Hills.

For an afternoon getaway, rent a canoe and paddle down the Little Miami River or

take a hike on one of the Cincinnati Parks or Hamilton County’s many trails.

Kids, especially, can benefit from the city’s many parks and recreation areas,

including free spray parks. For a full day in the heart of the city, park at Washington Park in Over-the- Rhine and ride the Cincinnati Bell Connector down to the Smale Riverfront Park where the whole family can enjoy a ballgame or a meal at the many nearby restaurants.

This summer, go against the flow and save money and time by staying close to home. There is certainly enough to see and do to fill your summer to the brim.


Article writer, Liz McEwan is a proud wife, mama, urbanite, musician and blogger. Follow her at The Walking Green and on twitter at @thewalkinggreen.